Untitled Space Game is about finding a new home for humanity! You are hired to operate the newest state of the art telescope in search of a new habitable planet.

Make sure to look at the screenshots especially Chemical composition guide to better understand the system. Currently the game is sandbox mode, so you have infinite time, and money.

Current WebGL build is a playable demo without an ending & shop screen. Please FULLSCREEN and Press SPACE to start and freely explore the galaxy. Download below for full game.


-WASD for Camera Panning

-Up/Down/Left/Right Arrows for Cursor Control

-Enter for Zooming into an object when the cursor is red

-Space for Analysing after zooming in

-Tab for Opening/Closing Shop Menu

Team members:

Mike Zhang, Allison Chen, Peter Seo, Steve Hu, John Eblahan

Attributions: The Sprite font in this project was created by Andrew Tyler atyler.dev@gmail.com License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/


Untitled Space Game! 55 MB

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