Welcome to Idle Steve Simulator!

          This is a simulation of whatever Steve does in his room whenever he has nothing to do - also a project for Intermediate Game Development class during Fall 2020. I chose to make this game because due to the pandemic, I spent much more time in my bedroom than ever compared to at least the past decade of my life (isn’t it simultaneously amazing and terrifying?). In this simulator, you can wander around my bedroom and explore different activities to do. There are, in total, 5 interactive objects currently in the game.

          The original idea was to create a game where you have to balance your life in a home-quarantine. There were supposed to be stats for the main character and by doing each activity, the stats will fluctuate up and down. There were also multiple rooms planned for a total of 10+ interactive activities in the game… However, the time constraints and the conflicting schedules during midterms limited the simulator to be in only one room.

          The greatest struggle was perhaps figuring out how to keep data across scenes. Since there are multiple (6 in total) scenes in the game, setting and manipulating a global stat was a bit difficult for me. I played around with different methods, such as loading a scene additively and having a manager object not destroyed on load, but until the day this project was due, I still couldn’t figure out how to achieve my original goal correctly yet… Thus the project is currently filled with content yet left without a proper ending / ultimate goal [D:]. However, the good news is that after fiddling with loading scenes additively (Using it in the mini-games) and having a static game manager object (Used for keep track on player data), I now have some ideas of how to solve these issues and perhaps polish the game further down the line.


WASD - Movements

F - Interact

Space - Jump / Interact (only when prompted)

Mouse - Shoot / Aim / Interact (in mini-game)

Interactive Objects:

Guitar (Can play chords)

Left Monitor (Can play songs, and work on projects)

Right Monitor (Can play 2 mini-games)

Cat (Has a 25% chance of spawning each time entering bedroom)

Bed (Can sleep, duh)

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